Thursday, December 9, 2010

stuck and need to move on

I am quilting this buckeye zig zag quilt and I'm stuck.  I tried a new loopy meander quilting design.  It's not totally familiar to me and I'm not liking it very much.  It's a pretty quilt but it's not very fun to do.  I have an apron and some crayon rolls and some baby clothes to make so i think i will take a break for awhile.  So I am doing what i always packing it up till my mood improves till i can tackle it and finish it properly.

I'm alittle distracted.  I have had a nauseated feeling most of the week.  I think it's all congestion but headaches are really bad too most likely another sinus infection.  The 10th or so this year.  I'm sick of going to the dr to get antibiotics.  Isn't that bad for you?  I am just alittle happier that I am NOT pregnant..or the headaches and stuffiness are ruling that out.   

Also my Grandpa is in poor health and I was told they want to put him in the hospital.  He's 87.  I think it gets harder to say goodbye the more years you have with someone.  I keep thinking of my Big Strong Grandpa who was so macho.  When i go in public and start talking too much and embarrass myself and cringe at how i talked too much or had to talk to complete strangers and joke around with them i know that is my Grandpa and that's just a little gift he's given me.  And when my brother and uncle go around at the holidays and hugs everyone i know that's another one.  And perhaps our hairiness but that's a gift i would gladly give back any time lol.

I just looked at my quilt/picture and realize i only need to quilt 2 blocks then i can move on ...i'm not sure what i was thinking. 

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